Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This and that... and 34 pictures

First off, here are some pictures of my adorable little munchkins! :)


Funny ears! :) {they are in the process of lopping}


And here is something pretty strange to me: Fiona's babies (which are 1 day older than Alicia's babies) are smaller than Alicia's babies, just look at these 2 babies next to each other:

Alicia's on left, Fiona's on right.

I think the reasons for this could be:
1. It's Fiona's first litter
2. Both parents are small Mini lops
3. They stayed in the nest box longer than Alicia's babies

Whatever the reason is, they sure are cute and they are slowly getting bigger.
I got their pictures up on my website finally. There are still 3 available from Fiona's litter and 5 from Alicia's litter are still available... at the moment! I am also seriously considering keeping the black doe and the broken chestnut agouti buck 1.

My little Alaina:

I have 4 jars filled with flowers in my rabbitry right now! I love flowers, they really cheer the place up!

The corner with my 5 tray cages, this corner used to just have 2 cages, and I can stack way more on top of these!

Levi likes to help me when I clean out the trays!

My 6 hole will be for sale soon:

And recent pictures of our dogs Oreo and Daisy, and our cat Midnight which I will be putting up on my website on the other pets page as soon as I can!




And here is a link to see pictures of our adorable kittens that Whiskers had! :)


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