Thursday, May 31, 2012

Baby update

Wow! I was gone for 5 days and when I got back it seemed as though my "little" babies weren't so little anymore. They sure do grow quickly! Here are a few very recent pictures of my babies!



Too cute!!! :)

Update on Fiona's babies:

The silver tipped steel black buck was sold yesterday to a 4-Her. The black chinchilla buck and black doe will be going to a new home tomorrow. So, there are 2 very nice little black bucks left!

Update on Alicia's babies:

The black buck was sold to a nice pet home. And the gold tipped steel black doe was sold with the silver tipped steel black buck from Fiona. I'm keeping the black doe for the time being. And (hehe) I am STILL trying to decide whether or not I should keep the one brkn. chestnut agouti buck. So, there are for sure 2 cute broken chestnut agouti bucks left!

So, all together I have 4 adorable little bucks left!

Want one???


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