Tuesday, March 6, 2012

19 babies

Baby count is 19 at the moment! Amanda had 10 babies (!) Feb. 28th, although there are 8 babies now (4 broken blacks and 4 solid blacks), and Daisy had a litter of 8 again on March 4th!

The tiny runt in Amanda's litter that passed away looked like a broken chocolate. :(  I am planning on keeping a broken black doe to breed back to Benji again to weaken the black gene and get more of the chocolate in there (because I love chocolates)!

And Mindy's 3 little ones are all reserved at 6 weeks. They are some little cuties! :) I must admit that I love the little red eyed white doe, she is so sweet and adorable!

I was wrong about Fiona. :( She wasn't pregnant, and I thought for SURE that she was. I bred her to Benji again, and Alicia to Brakes. They are both due on April Fool's Day. :)

Bunnies are enjoying a b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l day, it's 66 degrees, and is supposed to get up to 70! Garage doors up, sunshine and fresh spring smelling air wafting through the garage, so nice! :)

That's it for today!


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