Friday, August 3, 2012

In Loving Memory of Alicia

Right before we moved something very unexpected happened. My sweet Mini lop doe, Hoppin's Alicia, passed away. I can't bellieve it as she was not even 2 years old yet, and she seemed perfectly healthy and happy up until the day she passed away. I do not know what caused her death.
Alicia had 3 beautiful litters. 22 babies all together. She was an excellent mama! She also placed 5 out of 8 solid Mini lop does at the Nebraska Tower on the Plains ARBA show May 29, 2011.

Love this picture! Here Alicia is snuggling with her babies from her first litter.

Alicia with a little look alike.

Beautiful Alicia! What a cutie!

Here is the proud mama with her second litter of 9 babies!

Here Alicia was getting ready for her third litter! :)

R.I.P. Alicia

Date of birth: August 14, 2010
Passed away: June 14, 2012

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